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The Problem with Misleading Headlines About Home Ownership in Australia

By Coposit

18 Jul 2024 · 3 min read


In recent discussions around the property market, there has been significant backlash against sensationalist headlines that claim it will take decades for young Australians to save for a home deposit. This narrative, often propagated by media personalities and experts, can discourage potential homebuyers, leading them to believe that owning property is an unattainable dream. This blog will delve into the implications of these misleading headlines and explore the realities of home ownership for young Australians.

The Impact of Sensationalist Headlines

Media figures like Mark Bouris and Tom Panos have recently stirred controversy by stating that it could take up to 40 years for young Australians to save for a home deposit. While these statements grab attention, they paint an overly pessimistic picture of the housing market. The danger lies in the potential for these headlines to demotivate young people from even attempting to enter the property market. If individuals believe that saving for a deposit is a 40-year endeavour, they might give up on the idea of home ownership altogether.

The Reality of Home Ownership

Contrary to these claims, the reality is that many first-time homebuyers do not need to save for decades. While it's true that property prices in major cities like Sydney are high, there are still affordable options available. For instance, many young buyers start with apartments or properties in less expensive suburbs rather than aiming for high-end homes in prime locations.

Breaking Down the Numbers

Let's break down the numbers to provide a clearer picture. Suppose a young couple is looking to buy a property valued at $750,000. With various government incentives and first-home buyer programmes, they could potentially secure a loan with a 5% deposit, amounting to $37,500. This figure is far more attainable than the daunting 20% deposit often quoted in the media.

The Importance of Proper Guidance

It's crucial for potential homebuyers to seek proper financial guidance and not be swayed by alarming headlines. Financial advisers can provide tailored advice based on individual circumstances, helping buyers understand their options and make informed decisions. Moreover, understanding the various government schemes and incentives can significantly reduce the financial burden of purchasing a home.

Steps to Overcome the Rental Trap

  • Education and Planning: Young people should be educated about budgeting and saving from an early age. Schools and families can play a vital role in instilling these values.

-__ Seek Professional Advice:__ Consulting with financial advisers can help potential buyers understand the realistic steps they need to take to save for a deposit and secure a mortgage.

  • Explore Government Programmes: Various government programmes exist to assist first-home buyers. These can significantly reduce the initial financial burden.
  • Consider Affordable Options: Instead of aiming for a dream home immediately, consider starting with a smaller, more affordable property. Over time, this investment can be used to step up to a larger home.


While the current property market presents challenges, the situation is not as dire as some headlines suggest. With proper planning, financial advice, and realistic expectations, young Australians can achieve their home ownership dreams. It's essential to look beyond sensationalist media claims and focus on practical steps and strategies that can make home ownership a reality.

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