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8 NSW Suburbs Where Property Ownership Is Within Reach for Just $10,000

Have you been thinking about getting onto the property ladder and owning your own home in New South Wales, but think it's impossible with limited savings? Think again, friends!

Maximising the QLD First Home Owner Grant: Your Path to Property Ownership

As a first home buyer in Queensland, you’re in luck! The QLD Government recently announced a significant increase in the First Home Owner grant from $15,000 to $30,000. This exciting news opens up an array of opportunities for aspiring homeowners to make their dreams a reality.

Accelerate Your Personal Savings: Our Savings Tips to Fast Track Your Financial Goals

It truly is a jungle out there and saving up for anything, no matter what your striving for, is hard work. Maybe you’re planning a well-earned overseas holiday (if so, I’m jealous), or maybe you’re saving up to buy your first home or investment property. Kudos to you, no matter what your goal is, because we know that saving requires sacrifice, compromise and discipline.

Rent-Vestor or Owner Occupier: What is Your Home Owner Profile?

Buying your first property is a big-time commitment and can be a long and tiresome journey. Rushing in to buy without doing some research can make the process a lot more stressful. Before making any major decisions, it’s wise to take the time and assess what will be the best pathway for you in the long-term so you make decisions your future self will thank you for.

Young People Shouldn’t Abandon Home Ownership Dreams

Property remains key to long-term wealth creation, but with ever-increasing house prices pushing deposit goals further away, it seems all but impossible for younger generations to achieve this dream. But now more than ever is the time for young people to explore alternate ways to enter the market, rather than see it as unattainable.

Home Ownership Dream Shattered Over the Generations as Deposit Hurdle Grows for First Home Buyers

The evidence continues to mount, proving that it is much harder for the younger generations to get a foot into the property market. The harsh statistics presented by years of Census data are undeniable and track the continued decline in home ownership since the 1940s.